Computer Ethics Questions
Revised 7 December 1996.
About the Software

Computer Ethics Questions is a simple tutorial computer program for teaching computer ethics. The program runs on both Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows computers. It is part of the medical student curriculum at Loma Linda University.
The tutorial consists of questions and discussion. Users respond to each question to go to the discussion. The discussion is different depending on the response. Users may go back to answer a question again and see other discussion. Users may also go directly to a specific question.
Computer Ethics Questions was written by Thomas P. Engel, M.D. at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California.
System Requirements
Apple Macintosh or Power Macintosh computer with 8 MB RAM, 640 x 480 pixel display with 256 colors, CD-ROM drive, Apple System 7.1 and Apple QuickTime 2.0.
486 or Pentium PC-Compatible computer with 8 MB RAM, 640 x 480 pixel display with 256 colors, CD-ROM drive, Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Apple QuickTime for Windows 2.0.
- Title
- Introduction
- Has computer software ever killed anyone?
- Is personal electronic mail private?
- Is electronic mail anonymous?
- Is electronic mail identified by institution?
- Is it appropriate to use strong language in computer discussion?
- Is it appropriate to encrypt electronic mail or other files?
- Is it appropriate to explore a computer network?
- Is it appropriate to use someone else's computer password?
- Is it easy to select good computer passwords?
- Is it appropriate to read someone else's computer files without permission?
- Is it appropriate to read grades or salaries or other personal information on computers?
- Is it appropriate to circumvent computer security arrangements?
- Is it appropriate to call up records for a patient other than your own?
- Is it appropriate to access pornography on a network?
- Is it appropriate to copy computer programs or other files?
- Is the Internet free?
- Are ethical issues involving computers different from other ethical situations?
- Selected References
Sample Screen Images

Title Page



Click here to download the Read Me file.
Click here to download the Macintosh version of the program.
Click here to download the Windows version of the program.
Your Institution
Anyone may use the Computer Ethics Questions program. Computer Ethics Questions may be easily modified for your institution. You may not modify the programs without the permission of the author. Contact the author for more information.
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Computer Ethics Questions / Thomas Engel, M.D. /