AnesthesiaGUIDE Chapter Contents
- STUDY CASE #1: D&C for Molar Pregnancy
- STUDY CASE #2: D&C for Uterine Bleeding
- STUDY CASE #3: Multiple Social & Medical Problems
- STUDY CASE #4: D&C for Incomplete Abortion
- STUDY CASE #5: Postpartum Tubal Ligation
- STUDY CASE #6: Colposcopy & Vaginal Hysterectomy
- STUDY CASE #7: Carotid Endarterectomy
- STUDY CASE #8: Retained Placenta & Full Stomach
- STUDY CASE #9: Hysterectomy for Alcoholic Patient
- STUDY CASE #10: Pregnant Patient with Head Trauma
- STUDY CASE #11: Ruptured Uterus
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