Distribution Conditions:
This program is not only freeware, it is "public beta" freeware.
This means the program is provided "as-is", with no guarantees or warrantees
whatsoever. Use at your own risk. If your computer crashes or you come
down with the Plague, we will *not* be held responsible. Remember, you get
what you pay for.
The ultimate rights to the distribution of this program remain with the
Department of Anesthesiology, Wilford Hall Medical Center, Lackland AFB,
Texas, who have graciously granted the authors the right to distribute
the program as freeware.
You may distribute this program freely in any format, so long as the
following conditions are met:
--This program is used for educational purposes
--The program remains intact without modification
--This readme file is included without modification
--No fee of any kind is charged
We *welcome* any efforts made by any enlightened cross-platform mavens
out there to port this program to Microsoft Windows(R) or even (gasp!)
Windows95(R)...please contact Rob Jones, M.D. at surak1@ix.netcom.com
to let me know about your efforts. Note: Allegiant is working on
a Windows(R) runtime for SuperCard applications such as AlgoSim; you
can find out more at http://www.allegiant.com/supercard/
Boring Standard Disclaimer #27:
The views expressed in this program are those of the authors, and do not
reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force,
the Department of Defense, or the United States Government.
You are advised to consult all standard textbooks, journals, and
hieroglyphics of current medical practice before using anything in this
program as a basis for patient care.
No non-anesthesiology-resident animals were harmed in making this program.
This program was created using 50% post-consumer recycled electrons.
Best if washed separately from other software. Do not use bleach.
Not to be taken internally. Void if folded, spindled, or mutilated.
Yadda yadda yadda....
All right already! Send me back to the AlgoSim(R) page!