The VDOLive server and some video digitizing equipment were purchased with a generous grant from Williams & Wilkins.
You will need a VDOLive player for Windows NT or 95, Windows 3.1, or the Power Macintosh (all are free of charge). Or, connect to the VDOLive web site for the most recent versions and detailed instructions.
The Difficult Airway: Cricothyroidotomy. A ten-minute video clip discussing cricothyroidotomy. Includes a discussion of the anatomy, technique, and indications and contraindications of the procedure.
Machine Checkout. A detailed discussion of the recommended pre-anesthesia check of this important piece of equipment.
Rovenstine Lecture (October 1996). Coming soon.
Disaster Simulation. Simulation of a hazardous chemical spill. The scenario involves a truck carrying organophosphates that collided with a gasoline truck. Coordinated by Vincenzo Lanza, MD.