The Electronic Phrasebook: Spanish

The Spanish Phrase Book for Anesthesia was developed by

Sidney Helperin, MD
Department of Anesthesiology
Olive View/UCLA Medical Center
14445 Olive View Drive
Sylmar, California 91342-1495

Dr. Selma H. Calmes, M.D., Chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology, encouraged and offered advice on this project.

1. Do you speak Spanish?
¨Habla usted español?
¨AH-blah oo-STEHD es-pahn-YOHL?

2. What other languages do you speak?
¨Qué otros idiomas habla usted?
¨Kay OH-trohs ee-dee-OH-mahs AH-blah oo-STEHD?

3. Hello.

4. Good Morning.
Buenos días.
BWEH-nohss DEE-ahs.

5. Good afternoon.
Buenas tardes.
BWEH-nahs TAHR-des.

6. Good evening.
Buenas noches.
BWEH-nahs NOH-ches.

7. What's your name?
¨Cómo se llama?
¨KOH-moh say YAH-mah?

8. I am Dr.Smith.(male doctor)
Soy el doctor Smith.
Soy el dohk-TOHR Smith.

9. I am Dr.Smith.(female doctor)
Soy la doctora Smith.
Soy lah dohk-TOH-rah Smith.

10. I am nurse Jones.(male nurse)
Soy el enfermero Jones.
Soy el en-fehr-MEH-ro Jones.

11. I am nurse Jones.(female nurse)
Soy la enfermera Jones.
Soy lah en-fehr-MEH-rah Jones.

12. I am an anesthetist.
Soy anestesista.
Soy ah-nehs-teh-SEES-tah.

13. My name is Sandy Green.
Me llamo Sandy Green.
May YAH-moh Sandy Green.

14. I do not speak Spanish.
No hablo español.
No AH-blo es-pahn-YOHL.

15. I can say some words in Spanish.
Puedo decir algunas palabras en español.
PWAY-doh day-SEER ahl-GOON-ahs pah-LAH-brahs en ess-pahn-YOHL.

16. But, I probably will not understand what you say.
Pero, probablemente, yo no entenderé lo que usted dir .
PEHR-oh, pro-bab-leh-MEN-tay, yoh no en-ten-der-AY loh kay
oo-STEHD dee- RAH.

17. Do you understand me?
¨Me entiende usted?
¨May en-T'YEN-day oo-STEHD?

18. May I practice speaking Spanish with you?
¨Puedo practicar mi español con usted?
¨PWAY-doh prahk-tee-CAR mee es-pahn-YOHL kohn oo-STEHD?

19. How do you say "book" in Spanish?
¨Cómo se dice "book" en español?
¨KOH-moh say DEE-say "book" en es-pahn-YOHL?

20. Did I say that right?
¨Lo dije correctamente?
¨Loh DEE-hay koh-rek-tah-MEN-tay?

21. Please speak slowly.
Por favor hable despacio.
Por fah-VOR AH-blay dehs-PAH-see-oh.

22. I'm sorry. I don't understand you.
Lo siento. No le entiendo.
Loh see-EN-toh. No lay en-T'YEN-doh.

23. Would you repeat that slowly, please?
¨Por favor, puede usted repetirlo despacio?
¨Por fah-VOR, PWAY-day oo-STEHD reh-peh-TEER-loh dehs-PAH-see-oh?

24. Please.
Por favor.
Por fah-VOR.

25. Thank you.

26. You're welcome.
De nada.
Day NAH-dah.

27. Are you O.K?
¨Está bien?
¨Es-TAH b'yen?

28. You are fine.
Usted est bien.
Oo-STEHD es-TAH b'yen.

29. That's fine.
Está bien.
Es-TAH b'yen.

30. Good-bye.

31. I have to ask you some questions.
Tengo que hacerle algunas preguntas.
TEN-go kay ah-SEHR-lay ahl-GOON-ahs preh-goon-TAHS.

32. If possible, please answer only "yes", "no", or "I don't
know", to the questions.
Si es posible, por favor, conteste las preguntas solo con
"sí", "no", o "no sé".
See es pah-SEE-blay, por fah-VOR, kohn-TES-tay lahs preh-GOON-tahs SOH-lo kohn "see", "no", oh
"no seh".

33. Yes.

34. No.

35. I don't know.
No sé.
No seh.

36. When did you last have a baby?
¨Cuando fue la última vez que tuvo un bebé?
¨KWAHN-doh foo-AY lah OOL-tee-mah vehs kay TOO-voh oon beh-BAY?

37. Yesterday?

38. Was it more than 8 hours ago?
¨Hace m s de ocho horas?
¨AH-say mahs day OH-choh OH-rahs?

39. Did you have anesthesia for the delivery?
Tuvo usted anestesia para tener su bebé?
TOO-voh oo-STEHD ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah PAH-rah teh-NEHR soo

40. What kind of anesthesia did you have?
¨Qué clase de anestesia tuvo usted?
¨Kay KLAH-say day ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah TOO-voh oo-STEHD?

41. How many pregnancies have you had?
¨Cuántos embarazos ha tenido usted?
¨KWAHN-tohs em-bahr-AH-zohss ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD?

42. How many children do you have?
¨Cuántos hijos tiene usted?
¨KWAHN-tohs EE-hohss T'YEH-nay oo-STEHD?

43. How old are you?
¨Cuántos años tiene?
¨KWAHN-tohs AHN-yohs T'YEH-nay?

44. What operation are you having?
¨Qué operación va a tener?
¨Kay ah-pehr-ah-SYOHN vah ah teh-NEHR?

45. Where?

46. Point to where they are going to operate.
Señ leme dónde va a tener la operaci˘n.
Sen-YAHL-eh-may DOHN-day vah ah teh-NEHR lah ah-pehr-ah-SYOHN.

47. Are you allergic to any medication?
¨Es usted alérgico(fem. al‚rgica) a algŁn medicamento?
¨Es oo-STEHD ah-LEHR-hee-ko (fem. ah-LEHR-hee-kah) ah ahl-GOON meh-dee-kah-MEN-toh?

48. Are you taking any medication?
¨Está tomando alguna medicina?
¨Es-TAH toh-MAHN-doh ahl-GOON-ah meh-dee-SEE-nah?

49. What are the names of the medicines?
¨Cuáles son los nombres de las medicinas?
¨KWAH-lehs sohn lohs NOHM-brays day lahs meh-dee-SEE-nahs?

50. What are the medicines for?
¨Para qué son las medicinas?
¨PAH-rah kay sohn lahs meh-dee-SEE-nahs?

51. What is the medicine for?
¨Para qué es la medicina?
¨PAH-rah kay es lah meh-dee-SEE-nah?

52. Do you smoke ?
¨Fuma usted?
¨FOO-mah oo-STEHD?

53. Do you drink alcohol?
¨Bebe usted alcohol?
¨BEH-bay oo-STEHD ahl-KO-ohl?

54. Have you taken illegal drugs?
¨Ha tomado usted drogas ilegales?
¨Ah toh-MAH-doh oo-STEHD DRO-gahs ee-lee-GAH-lehs?

55. Have you had high blood pressure?
¨Ha tenido usted alta presi˘n?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD AHL-tah preh-SYOHN?

56. Have you had heart disease?
¨Ha tenido usted enfermedad del corazón?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD en-FEHR-mee-dahd del cor-a-ZON?

57. Have you had asthma?
¨Ha tenido usted asma?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD AHS-mah?

58. Have you had tuberculosis?
¨Ha tenido usted tuberculosis?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD too-behr-koo-LOH-sees?

59. Have you had hepatitis?
¨Ha tenido usted hepatitis?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD eh-pah-TEE-tees?

60. Have you had diabetes?
¨Ha tenido usted diabetis?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD dee-ah-BEH-tees?

61. Have you had thyroid disease?
¨Ha tenido usted enfermedad de la tiroide?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD en-FEHR-mee-dahd day lah tee-ROY-day?

62. Have you had epilepsy or seizures?
¨Ha tenido usted epilepsia o ataques?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD eh-pee-LEP-see-yah oh ah-TAHK-es?

63. Have you had AIDS?
¨Ha tenido usted SIDA?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD SEE-dah?

64. Do you have a cold?
¨Tiene usted resfriado?
¨T'YEH-nay oo-STEHD res-free-AH-doh?

65. When you lie flat do you feel like acid or food comes into
the back of your throat.
¨Cuando usted est acostado (fem.dah) boca arriba siente
usted algún cido o comida en el fondo de la garganta?
¨KWAHN-doh oo-STEHD es-TAH ah-kohs-TAH-doh (fem.dah) BOH-kah
ah-REE-bah see-EHN-tay oo-STEHD ahl-GOON AH-see-doh oh
koh-MEE-dah en el FOHN-doh day lah gahr-GAHN-tah?

66. When you cut yourself do you bleed normally or more than
most people.
¨Cuando usted se corta, sangra usted más que la mayoría de
las personas o igual que ellas?
¨KWAHN-doh oo-STEHD say KOR-tah, SAHN-grah oo-STEHD mahs kay
lah mah-yohr-EE-yah day lahs pehr-SOH-nahs oh ig-WAHL kay

67. Have you ever had a blood transfusion?
¨Ha tenido usted alguna vez una transfusión de sangre?
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD ahl-GOON-ah vehs OO-nah trahnz-foo-SYOHN day SAHN-gray?

68. Never?

69. What operations have you had?
¨Qu‚ operaciones ha tenido usted?
¨Kay ah-pehr-ah-SYOHN-ays ah ten-EE-doh oo-STEHD?

70. What kinds of anesthesia have you had?
¨Qué clases de anestesia ha tenido usted?
¨Kay KLAH-says day ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD?

71. General Anesthesia?
¨Anestesia general?
¨Ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah heh-neh-RAHL?

72. Spinal or Epidural Anesthesia?
Anestesia en la espina dorsal?
¨Ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah en lah ehs-PEE-nah dohr-SAL?

73. Local Anesthesia?
Anestesia local?
¨Ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah loh-KAHL?

74. Have you or anyone in your family ever had problems from
Ha tenido usted o algún miembro de su familia, problemas con
¨Ah teh-NEE-doh oo-STEHD oh ahl-GOON mee-YEM-broh day soo
fah-MEE-lee-ah, prah-BLEH-mahs kohn ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah?

75. How much do you weigh?
¨Cuanto pesa usted?
¨KWAHN-toh PAY-sah oo-STEHD?

76. Can you write down how many pounds?
¨Puede usted escribir aquí cu ntas libras?
¨PWAY-day oo-STEHD ehs-cree-BEER ah-KEE KWAHN-tahs LEE-brahs?

77. How tall are you?
¨Cuánto mide usted?
¨KWAHN-toh MEE-day oo-STEHD?

78. How many feet?
¨Cuántos pies de altura?
¨KWAHN-tohs pee-YAYSS day ahl-TOO-rah?

79. How many inches?
¨Cuántas pulgadas?
¨KWAHN-tahs pool-GAH-dahs?

80. When did you eat or drink last?
¨Cuándo fue la última vez que comió o bebió algo?
¨KWAHN-doh foo-AY lah OOL-tee-mah vehs kay koh-mee-OH oh
beh-bee-OH AHL-go?

81. Have you had anything to eat or drink in the past 8 hours?
¨Ha comido o bebido algo en las últimas ocho horas?
¨Ah koh-MEE-doh oh beh-BEE-doh AHL-go en lahs OOL-tee-mahs
OH-choh OH-rahs?

82. How many hours ago did you have anything to eat or drink?
¨Cu ntas horas hace que comió o bebió algo?
¨KWAHN-tahs OH-rahs AH-say kay koh-mee-OH oh beh-bee-OH AHL-go?

84. Do this.
Haga esto.
AH-gah ES-toh.

85. Tilt your head back - like this.
Ponga la cabeza para atrás - así.
POHN-gah lah kah-BAY-sah PAH-rah ah-TRAHS - ah-SEE.

86. Turn your head from side to side.
Voltee la cabeza de lado a lado.
VOHL-tay lah kah-BAY-sah day LAH-doh ah LAH-doh.

87. That's enough.
Es suficiente.
Es soo-fiss-ee-EHN-tay.

88. Open your mouth.
Abra la boca.
AH-brah lah BOH-kah.

89. Stick out your tongue.
Saque la lengua.
SAH-kay lah LAYN-gwah.

90. Show me your teeth.
Muéstreme los dientes.
MWEHS-treh-may lohs D'YEN-tehs.

91. Close your mouth.
Cierre la boca.
See-EHR-ay lah BOH-kah.

92. Do you have any false teeth, loose teeth, dental caps or
¨Tiene usted algunos dientes holgados, dientes postizos,
casquillos dentales o puentes?
¨T'YEH-nay oo-STEHD ahl-GOON-ohs D'YEN-tehs ohl-GAH-dohs,
D'YEN-tehs poh-STEE-zohs, kahs-KEE-yohs den-TAH-lehs oh PWEN-tays?

93. Sometimes caps, bridges, or teeth get damaged under
anesthesia, but we will try to be very careful.
A veces los casquillos dentales, los puentes o los dientes
se dañan con la anestesia, pero vamos a tratar de tener mucho
Ah VESS-ehs lohs kahs-KEE-yohs den-TAH-lehs, lohs PWEN-tays
oh lohs D'YEN-tehs say DAHN-yahn kohn lah ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah,
PEHR-oh VAH-mohs ah trah-TAHR day teh-NEHR MOO-choh kwee-DAH-doh.

94. Did anyone give you medicine today?
¨Alguien le ha dado medicina hoy?
¨Ahl-G'YEN lay ah DAH-doh meh-dee-SEE-nah oy?

95. For what?
¨Para qué?
¨PAH-rah kay?

96. To make you relaxed?
¨Para que se relaje?
¨PAH-rah kay say reh-LAH-hay?

97. I have to listen to your chest.
Tengo que auscultarle el pecho.
TEN-go kay ahs-cool-TAR-lay el PEH-choh.

98. Breathe deeply.
Respire profundo.
Res-PEE-ray pro-FOON-doh.

99. Inhale.

100. Exhale.

101. Sometimes complications occur with anesthesia, but it's very
rare and we will take good care of you.
A veces surgen complicaciones por la anestesia, pero es muy
raro y nosotros vamos a cuidarlo ( muy bien.
Ah VEH-sehs SOOR-hen kohm-plee-kahs-YOHN-ays por lah ah-nehs-TEH-see-ah, PEHR-oh es mwee
RAH-roh ee noh-SOH-trohs VAH-
mohs ah kwee-DAHR-loh (fem.lah) mwee b'yen.

102. We are going to give you some medicine in here and you are going to fall
Vamos a darle medicina aquí y usted se va a quedar dormido (fem.dah).
VAH-mohs ah DAHR-lay meh-dee-SEE-nah ah-KEE ee oo-STEHD say vah ah kay-DAHR dohr-
MEE-doh (fem.dah).

103. When surgery has finished you will wake up.
Cuando la cirugía se haya terminada usted va a despertarse.
KWAHN-doh lah see-ruh-HEE-ah say AH-yah tehr-mee-NAH-dah oo-STEHD vah
ah dehs-pehr-TAR-say.

104. When you wake up your throat might feel a little sore but it will get better.
Cuando usted se despierte su garganta podría estar un poco dolorida pero se
mejorar .
KWAHN-doh oo-STEHD say dehs-pee-EHR-tay soo gahr-GAHN-tah poh-DREE-ah
es-TAHR oon POH-koh doh-loh-REE-dah PEHR-oh say meh-hoh-rah-RAH.

105. In a little while
En un ratito
En oon rah-TEE-toh

106. we will put medicine in here to make you feel very sleepy.
le vamos a poner medicina aquí para hacerle tener mucho sueño.
lay VAH-mohs ah poh-NEHR med-ee-SEE-nah ah-KEE PAH-rah ah-SEHR-lay teh-NEHR MOO-choh

107. Then we will give you a little needle stick here
Despu‚s nosotros le vamos a inyectar con una aguja pequeñita aquí
Dehs-PWAYSS noh-SOH-trohs lay VAH-mohs ah een-yekt-AHR kohn OO-nah ah-GOO-hah peh-
keh-NYEE-tah ah-KEE

108. and you will get numb here
y usted se entumecer aquí
ee oo-STEHD say en-too-meh-seh-RAH ah-KEE

109. so that you will not feel the operation.
de esta manera usted no sentir la operaci˘n.
day ES-tah mah-NEHR-ah oo-STEHD no sen-tee-RAH lah ah-pehr-ah-SYOHN.

110. If you wish you can also be asleep during the operation.
Si usted lo desea, usted puede estar totalmente dormido (fem.da) durante la
See oo-STEHD loh day-SAY-ah, oo-STEHD PWAY-day es-TAHR toh-tahl-MEN-tay
dohr-MEE-doh (fem.dah) doo-RAHN-tay lah ah-pehr-ah-SYOHN.

111. We are taking you to the operating room now.
Le (fem. La) estamos llevando al cuarto de operaciones ahora.
Lay (fem. Lah) es-TAH-mohs yeh-VAHN-doh ahl KWAHR-toh day ah-pehr-ah-SYOHN-ays ah-OH-

112. Move over there.
Mu‚vase para all .
MWAY-vah-say PAH-rah ah-YAH.

113. Move over here.
Mu‚vase para ac .
MWAY-vah-say PAH-rah ah-KAH.

114. Move down.
Mu‚vase hacia abajo.
MWAY-vah-say AH-see-ah ah-BAH-hoh.

115. Move up.
Mu‚vase hacia arriba.
MWAY-vah-say AH-see-ah ah-RRHEE-bah.

116. More.
M s.

117. Lie down.

118. Give me your arm.
Deme el brazo.
DEH-may el BRAH-zoh.

119. Uncross your legs.
Descruce las piernas.
Dehs-KROO-say lahs pee-EHR-nahs.

120. Don't move.
No se mueva.
No say MWAY-vah.

121. Relax.
Rel jese.

122. Raise your head.
Levante la cabeza.
Leh-VAHN-tay lah kah-BAY-sah.

123. Lower your head.
Baje la cabeza.
BAH-hay lah kah-BAY-sah.

124. This is going to feel tight for just a few moments.
Esto le va sentir apretado por solamente unos minutos.
ES-toh lay vah sen-TEER ah-pray-TAH-doh por soh-lah-MEN-tay OO-nohs min-OO-tohs.

125. We are taking your blood pressure.
Estamos midiendo la presi˘n.
Es-TAH-mohs mee-DYEHN-doh lah preh-SYOHN.

126. Open your eyes.
Abra los ojos.
AH-brah lohs OH-hohs.

127. Close your eyes.
Cierre los ojos.
See-EHR-ay lohs OH-hohs.

128. I am going to give you oxygen with this mask.
Le voy a dar oxígeno con esta mascarilla.
Lay voy ah dahr ah-KSEE-heh-noh kohn ES-tah mas-ca-RREE-yah.

129. It won't bother you.
No le va a molestar.
No lay vah ah mohl-es-TAHR.

130. Breathe deeply.
Respire profundo.
Res-PEE-ray pro-FOON-doh.

131. Again.
Otra vez.
OHT-rah vays.

132. Don't worry. We will take good care of you.
No se preocupe. Nosotros vamos a cuidarlo ( muy bien.
No say preh-ah-COOP-ay. Noh-SOH-trohs VAH-mohs ah kwee-DAHR-loh
(fem.lah) mwee b'yen.

132a. I am going to spray your throat.
Voy a rociarle la garganta.
Voy ah roh-see-AHR-lay lah gahr-GAHN-tah.

133. You are going to start to feel sleepy.
Va a empezar a sentirse con sueño.
Vah ah em-peh-ZAHR ah sen-TEER-say kohn SWAY-nyoh.

134. You might start to see double.
Posiblemente va a empezar a ver doble.
Pah-see-bleh-MEN-tay vah ah em-peh-ZAHR ah vehr DOH-blay.

135. Do you feel sleepy?
¨Se siente con sueño?
¨Say see-EHN-tay kohn SWAY-nyoh?

136. You are going to sleep now.
Ahora usted va a dormir.
Ah-OH-rah oo-STEHD vah ah dohr-MEER.

136a. You will feel pressure on your neck.
Usted va a sentir presión en la garganta.
Oo-STEHD vah ah sen-TEER preh-SYOHN ehn lah gahr-GAHN-tah.

137. The operation is almost finished.
La operación est casi terminada.
Lah ah-pehr-ah-SYOHN es-TAH KAH-see tehr-mee-NAH-dah.

138. The operation is finished.
La operación est terminada.
Lah ah-pehr-ah-SYOHN es-TAH tehr-mee-NAH-dah.

139. Cough.

140. Squeeze my hand. Hard. Harder.
Apriete mi mano. Fuerte. Más fuerte.
Ah-pree-YEH-tay mee MAH-no. FWEHR-tay. Mahs FWEHR-tay.

141. Lift your legs.
Levante las piernas.
Leh-VAHN-tay lahs pee-EHR-nahs.

142. Sit up.

142a. Bend forward.
Dóblese hacia adelante.
DOH-bleh-say ah-SEE-ah ah-deh-LAHN-tay.

143. Lie on your right side.
Acuéstese sobre el lado derecho.
Ah-KWEHS-teh-say SOH-bray el LAH-doh deh-REH-cho.

144. Lie on your left side.
Acuéstese sobre el lado izquierdo.
Ah-KWEHS-teh-say SOH-bray el LAH-doh ees-KYEHR-doh.

145. Lie on your back.
Acuéstese boca arriba.
Ah-KWEHS-teh-say BOH-kah ah-REE-bah.

146. Lie on your stomach.
Acuéstese boca abajo.
Ah-KWEHS-teh-say BOH-kah ah-BAH-ho.

147. Bend your knees.
Doble las rodillas.
DOH-blay lahs roe-DEE-yahs.

148. This is going to feel cold.
Esto lo va a sentir frío.
ES-toh loh vah ah sen-TEER FREE-oh.

149. You will feel a needle stick.
Va a sentir un piquete de aguja.
Vah ah sen-TEER oon pee-KEH-tay day ah-GOO-hah.

150. Lie down.

151. Quickly.

152. How do your legs feel?
¨C˘mo siente las piernas?
¨KOH-moh see-EHN-tay lahs pee-EHR-nahs?

153. Do your legs feel normal?
¨Siente normales las piernas?
¨See-EHN-tay nor-MAHL-ays lahs pee-EHR-nahs?

154. Do your legs feel numb?
¨Siente dormida las piernas?
¨See-EHN-tay dohr-MEE-dah lahs pee-EHR-nahs?

155. Do you feel dizzy?
¨Se siente mareada(o)?
¨Say see-EHN-tay mah-ree-AH-doh (Fem. mah-ree-AH-dah)?

156. Do you have the taste of metal in your mouth?
¨Siente sabor a lata en la boca?
¨See-EHN-tay sah-BOHR ah lahtah en lah BOH-kah?

157. Is this sharp?
¨Es esto agudo?
¨Es ES-toh ah-GOO-doh?

158. Is this sharp or dull?
¨Es esto agudo o leve?
¨Es ES-toh ah-GOO-doh oh LEH-vay?

159. Which is sharper? Here, or here?
¨Cu l es m s agudo? ¨Aquí, o aquí?
¨Kwahl es mahs ah-GOO-doh? ¨ah-KEE oh ah-KEE?

160. Are you O.K?
¨Est bien?
¨Es-TAH b'yen?

161. Do you feel nervous?
¨Se siente nervioso (
¨Say see-EHN-tay nehr-vee-OH-soh (fem.sah)?

162. Would you like to feel sleepier?
¨Quiere usted tener m s sueño?
¨KYER-ay oo-STEHD teh-NEHR mahs SWAY-nyoh?

163. I will cover your face
Le voy a cubrir la cara
Lay voy ah koo-BREER lah KAH-rah

164. for just a few moments
por un momento
por oon moh-MEN-toh

165. and then I will uncover it.
y despu‚s se la voy a descubrir.
ee dehs-PWAYSS say lah voy ah dehs-KOO-breer.

166. Can you move your feet?
¨Puede mover los pies?
¨PWAY-day moh-VEHR lohs pee-YAYSS?

167. Can you wiggle your toes?
¨Puede mover los dedos de los pies?
¨PWAY-day moh-VEHR lohs DAY-dohs day lohs pee-YAYSS?

168. We are going to put your legs up.
Vamos a levantarle las piernas.
VAH-mohs ah leh-vahn-TAHR-lay lahs pee-EHR-nahs.

169. Are you in pain?
¨Tiene usted dolor?
¨T'YEH-nay oo-STEHD doh-LOHR?

170. Now?

171. Is there less pain?
¨Le duele menos?
¨Lay DWAY-lay MEH-nohs?

172. Is there more pain?
¨Le duele m s?
¨Lay DWAY-lay mahs?

173. Are you nauseated?
¨Tiene usted n usea?
¨T'YEH-nay oo-STEHD NOW-seh-ah?

174. Do you have chest pain?
¨Siente usted dolor en el pecho?
¨See-EHN-tay oo-STEHD doh-LOHR en el PEH-choh?

175. We will give you more medicine to make it hurt less.
Le daremos m s medicina para que le duela menos.
Lay dah-RAY-mohs mahs med-ee-SEE-nah PAH-rah kay lay DWAY-lah MEH-nohs.

176. More medicine.
Más medicina.
Mahs med-ee-SEE-nah.

176a. Push.

177. It's a boy!
Es un niño!
Es oon NEEN-yoh!

178. It's a girl!
Es una niña!
Es oo-nah NEEN-yah!

179. Do you have a headache?
¨Le duele la cabeza?
¨Lay DWAY-lay lah kah-BAY-sah?

180. Is it worse when you sit up?
¨Es peor al incorporarse?
¨Es pay-OHR ahl een-kohr-poh-RAHR-say?

181. Does it get better when you lie flat?
¨Se mejora cuando usted est acostado(fem. acostada) boca arriba?
¨Say meh-HOR-ah KWAHN-doh oo-STEHD es-TAH ah-kohs-TAH-dah BOH-kah a-REE-bah?

182. You must drink lots of liquids to help your headache.
Debe tomar muchos líquidos para que ayude a aliviar su dolor de cabeza.
DEH-bay toh-MAHR MOO-chohs LEE-kee-dohs PAH-rah kay ah-YOU-day ah ah-lee-vee-AHR soo
doh-LOHR day kah-BAY-sah.

183. Hi.

184. How are you?
¨Cómo estás?
¨KOH-moh es-TAHS?

185. What's your name?
¨Cómo te llamas?
¨KOH-moh tay YAH-mahs?

186. Mommy can't come in here.
Mamá no puede entrar aquí.
Mah-MAH no PWAY-day en-TRAHR ah-KEE.

187. Everything's going to be O.K.
Todo va a estar bien.
TOH-doh vah ah es-TAHR b'yen.

188. This is for you to play with.
Esto es para que tú juegues con ello.
ES-toh es PAH-rah kay too WHAY-gess kohn AY-yoh.

189. Push this, like this.
Empuja esto, así.
Ehm-POO-hah ES-toh ah-SEE.

190. You're going to sleep now.
Ahora tú vas a dormir.
Ah-OH-rah too vahs ah dohr-MEER.

191. You're going to have a nice dream.
Tu vas a tener un sueño bonito.
Too vahs ah teh-NEHR oon SWAY-nyoh boh-NEE-toh.

192. Please read this.
Por favor lea esto.
Por fah-VOR LAY-ah ES-toh.

193. Do you understand this?
¨Lo comprende?
¨Loh kohm-PREN-day?

194. Shall we proceed?
¨Podemos proceder?
¨Poh-DAY-mohs proh-say-DEHR?

¨Lo comprende?

¨Podemos proceder?

acid - acido 8 (65)

afternoon - tardes 1 (5)

again - otra vez 16 (131)

AIDS - SIDA 7 (63)

alcohol - alcohol 6 (53)

allergic - al‚rgico 5 (47)

almost - casi 17 (137)

anesthesia - anestesia 4 (39), 5 (40), 8 (70), 9 (71, 72, 73, 74)

anesthetist - anestesista 2 (12)

answer - conteste 4 (32)

anyone - algún 9 (74), 12 (94)

anything - algo 10 (81, 82)

arm - el brazo 15 (118)

asleep - dormido 37 (102), 14 (110), 17 (136), 23 (190)

asthma - asma 6 (57)

baby - bebé 4 (36)

back -(towards) para atrás 10 (85)
- (on) boca arriba 18 (145)

bend - doble 18 (147)

better - mejora 13 (104), 22 (181)

bleed - sangra 8 (66)

blood pressure - presión 6 (55), 16 (125)

blood transfusion - transfusión de sangre 8 (67)

bother - molestar 16 (129)

boy - niño 22 (177)

breathe - respire 12 (98), 16 (130)

bridges - los puentes 11 (92, 93)

caps - los casquillos dentales 11 (92, 93)

care - cuidarlo 12 (101), 17 (132)

careful - cuidado 11 (93)

chest - el pecho 12 (97), 21 (174)

children - los hijos 5 (42)

close - cierre 11 (91), 16 (127)

cold - (have a cold) resfriado 7 (64)
- (feel cold) frío 18 (148 )

complications - complicaciones 12 (101)

cough - tosa 17 (139)

cover - cubrir 20 (163)

cut - corta 8 (66)

damaged - dañan 11 (93)

deeply - profundo 12 (98), 16 (130)

delivery - tener su beb‚ 4 (39)

dental - dentales 11 (92)

diabetes - diabetis 7 (60)

disease - enfermedad 6 (56), 7 (61)

doctor m. - el doctor 1 (8)

doctor f. - la doctora 1 (9)

double - doble 17 (134)

down - move down - abajo 15 (114)

- lie down - acuéstese 15 (117), 19 (150)

dream - un sueño 23 (191)

drink - bebe 6 (53), 10 (80, 81, 82)

- tomar 22 (182)

dull - leve 20 (158)

during - durante 14 (110)

eat - comido 10 (80, 81, 82)

enough - suficiente 11 (87)

epidural - espina 9 (72)

epilepsy - epilepsia 7 (62)

evening - noches 1(6)

exhale - exhale 12 (100)

eyes - los ojos 16 (126, 127)

face - la cara 20 (163)

false - holgados 11 (92)

family - familia 9 (74)

feet - los pies 9 (78), 20 (166)

fine - bien 3 (28, 29)

finished - terminada 13 (103), 17 (137, 138)

flat - acostado 8 (65), 22 (181)

food - comida 8 (65)

for - para, por

general - general 9 (71)

girl - niña 22 (178)

good - buenos 1 (4, 5, 6),12 (101), 17 (132)

good-bye - adiós 3 (30)

hand - mano 18 (140)

hard - fuerte 18 (140)

head - la cabeza 10 (85, 86), 15 (122), 16 (123)

headache - 22 (179, 182)

heart - el corazon 6 (56)

hello - hola 1 (3)

hepatitis - hepatitis 7 (59)

here - aquí

hi - hola 23 (183)

hours - horas 4 (38), 10 (81, 82)

hurt - duele, (duela) 21 (169, 171, 172, 174, 175)

hypertension - alta presión 6 (55)

illegal - illegales 6 (54)

inches - pulgadas 9 (79)

inhale - inhale 12 (99)

knees - rodillas 18 (147)

know - sé 4 (32, 35)

languages - idiomas 1 (2)

last - última 4 (36), 10 (80)

left - izquierdo 18 (144)

legs - las piernas 15 (119), 18 (141), 19 (152, 153, 154), 21 (168)

less - menos 21 (171, 175)

lie - acuéstese 8 (65), 15 (117), 18 (143, 144, 145, 146), 19 (150), 22 (181)

lift - levante 15 (122), 18 (141)

like -(want) quiere 14 (110), 20 (162)

-(in this manner) asi 10 (85), 23 (189)

liquids - líquidos 22 (182)

listen - auscultar 12 (97)

little while - un ratito 13 (105)

local - local 9 (73)

loose - postizos 11 (92)

lower - baje 16 (123)

mask - mascarilla 16 (128)

medicine - medicina

metal - lata 19 (156)

moments - minutos 16 (124), 20 (164)

Mommy - mam 23 (186)

more - m s

mouth -la boca 11 (88), (91), 19 (156)

move - muévase 15 (112, 113, 114, 115, 120), 20 (166), 21 (167)

much - mucho

- (how much) cu nto

name - llama 1 (7), 2 (13), 23 (185)

names - nombres 6 (49)

nausea - n usea 21 (173)

needle - aguja 14 (107), 19 (149)

nervous - nervioso 20 (161)

never - nunca 8 (68)

nice - bonito 23 (191)

no - no

normal - normales 19 (153)

now - ahora 14 (111), 17 (136), 21 (170), 23 (190)

numb - entumecer 14 (108)

- dormida 19 (154)

numbers - 10 (83)

nurse - enfermero(a) 1 (10), 2 (11)

O.K. - bien 23 (187)

occur - surgen 12 (101)

old - años 5 (43)

only - solo 4 (32)

open - abra 11 (88), 16 (126)


operating room - cuarto de operaciones 14 (111)

operation - operaci˘n 5 (46)

other - otros 1 (2)

out - saque 11 (89)

over - (move over) para 15 (112, 113)

oxygen - oxígeno 16 (128)

pain - dolor, duele, (duela) 21 (169, 171, 172, 174, 175)

play - juegues 23 (188)

please - por favor 3 (21, 23, 24), 4 (32)

point - señ leme 5 (46)

possible - posible 4 (32)

pounds - libras 9 (76)

practice - practicar 2 (18)

pregnancies - embarazos 5 (41)

pressure - presi˘n 6 (55), 16 (125)

probably - probablemente 2 (16)

problems - problemas 9 (74)

proceed - proceder 24 (194)

push - empuja 23 (189)

put - poner 13 (106), 21 (168)

questions - preguntas 4 (31, 32)

quickly - rápido 19 (151)

raise - levante 15 (122), 18 (141)

rare - raro 12 (101)

read - lea 24 (192)

relax - relájese 12 (96), 15 (121)

repeat - repetir 3 (23)

right - (correct) correctamente 3 (20)

- (direction) derecho 18 (143)

room - cuarto 14 (111)

say - decir 2 (15, 16, 19), 3 (20)

see - ver 17 (134)

seizures - ataques 7 (62)

sharp - agudo 19 (157), 20 (158, 159)

sharper - m s agudo 20 (159)

show - muéstreme 11 (90)

side - lado 10 (86), 18 (143, 144)

sit - sientese 18 (142), 22 (180)

sleep - dormido 13 (102), 14 (110), 17 (136), 23 (190)

sleepier - más sueño 20 (162)

sleepy - sueño 13 (106), 17 (133, 135)

slowly - despacio 3 (21, 23)

smoke - fuma 6 (52)

some - algunas 2 (15), 4 (31), 13 (102)

sometimes - a veces 11 (93), 12 (101)

sore - dolorida 13 (104)

sorry - lo siento 3 (22)

Spanish - español 1 (1), 2 (14, 15, 18, 19)

speak - habla 1 (1, 2), 2 (14, 18), 3 (21)

spinal - espina 9 (72)

squeeze - apriete 18 (140)

start - empezar 17 (133, 134)

stick - piquete 19 (149)

stomach - boca abajo 18 (146)

surgery - la cirugía 13 (103)

take - tomar 5 (48), 6 (54), 14 (111), 16 (125)

taking - midiendo 16 (125)

tall - mide 9 (77)

taste - sabor 19 (156)

teeth - dientes 11 (90, 92, 93)

thank - gracias 3 (25)

this - esto

throat - garganta 8 (65), 13 (104)

thyroid - tiroide 7 (61)

tight - apretado 16 (124)

today - hoy 12 (94)

toes - los dedos 21 (167)

tongue - la lengua 11 (89)

transfusion - transfusión 8 (67)

try - tratar 11 (93)

tuberculosis - tuberculosis 7 (58)

turn - voltee 10 (86)

uncover - descubrir 20 (165)

uncross -descruce 15 (119)

understand - entiende 2 (16, 17), 3 (22) 24 (193)

very - muy

wake -despertarse 13 (103, 104)

weigh - pesa 9 (75)

welcome - de nada 3 (26)

what - qué

when - cu ndo

where - dónde 5 (45, 46)

which - cu l 20 (159)

while - ratito 13 (105)

wiggle - mover 21 (167)

wish - desea 14 (110), 20 (162)

with - con

words - palabras 2 (15)

worry - se preocupe 17 (132)

worse - peor 22 (180)

write - escribir 9 (76)

yes - sí 4 (32, 33)

you - usted

yesterday - ayer 4 (37)

Note: The first number after the index word represents the page number in Dr. Helperin's Pocket Book. The subsequent numbers in parentheses represent phrase numbers.