Transliterated by
Deborah K. Fellini
PhD Student
Italian Department, UCLA
2. What other languages do you speak?
Quali altre lingue parla?
KWAH-lee AHL-tray LEEN-goo-ay PAHR-la?
3. Hello.
4. Good Morning.
Buon giorno
boo-OHN jee-OHR-noh
5. Good afternoon.
Buon giorno
boo-OHN jee-OHR-noh
6. Good evening.
Buona sera
boo-OH-nah SAY-rah
7. What's your name?
Come si chiama ?
KOH-meh SEE key-AH-mah?
8. I am Dr.Smith.(male doctor)
Io sono il dottor Smith
EE-o SO-no EEL dot-TOR Smith
9. I am Dr.Smith.(female doctor)
Io sono la dottoressa Smith
EE-o SO-no la dot-TOR-ay-sah Smith
10. I am nurse Jones.(male nurse)
Io sono l'infermiere Jones
EE-o SO-no leen-fairm-YAI-ray Jones
11. I am nurse Jones.(female nurse)
Io sono l'infermiera Jones
EE-o SO-no leen-fairm-YAI-rah Jones
12. I am an anesthetist.
Sono un anestesista
SO-no OON ahn-ay-stay-ZEE-stah
13. My name is Sandy Green.
Il mio nome Š Sandy Green
EEL MEE-o NO-may eh Sandy Green
14. I do not speak Italian.
Non parlo italiano
nohn PAHR-loh ee-tah-lee-AH-noh
15. I can say some words in Italian.
Conosco qualche parola di italiano
ko-NO-sko KWAHL-kay par-OH-la dee ee-tah-lee-AH-noh
16. But, I probably will not understand what you say.
Ma probabilmente non capirň quello che lei mi dirŕ
MAH pro-ba-beel-MEN-tay nohn kah-pee-ROH KWEL-loh kay LEH-ee mee
17. Do you understand me?
Lei mi capisce?
LEH-ee mee kah-PEE-sheh?
18. May I practice speaking Italian with you?
Posso provare a parlare italiano con lei?
POH-soh prov-AH-ray ah pahr-LAH-ray ee-tah-lee-AH-noh kohn
19. How do you say "book" in Italian?
Come si dice "book" in italiano?
KOH-meh see DEE-chay "book" een ee-tah-lee-AH-noh?
20. Did I say that right?
Ho detto bene?
oh DAHY-toh BAY-nay?
21. Please speak slowly.
Per favore, parli lentamente
pehr fah-VOH-reh PAhR-lee layn-tah-MEHN-tay
22. I'm sorry. I don't understand you.
Mi dispiace. Non riesco a capirla
mee deesp-YA-chay nohn ree-AY-sko ah kah-PEER-lah
23. Would you repeat that slowly, please?
Pu• ripetere lentamente, per favore?
pwo ree-PAY-tay-ray layn-tah-MEHN-tay, pehr fah-VOH-reh?
24. Please.
Per favore
pehr fah-VOH-reh
25. Thank you.
26. You're welcome.
27. Are you O.K?
Tutto bene?
TOOT-toh BAY-nay?
28. You are fine.
Lei sta bene
LEH-ee stah BAY-nay.
29. That's fine.
Va bene
vah BAY-nay
30. Good-bye.
31. I have to ask you some questions.
Devo farle alcune domande
DAY-voh FAHR-lay ahl-KOOH-nay do-MAHN-day
32. Please answer only "yes", "no", or "I don't know", to the questions.
Per favore, risponda solo "sí", "no" o "non so" alle domande
pehr fah-VOH-reh, ree-SPON-dah SO-lo "see", "noh" oh "nohn soh"
AH-lay do-MAHN-day
33. Yes.
34. No.
35. I don't know.
Non so
nohn soh
36. When did you last have a baby?
Quando ha avuto l'ultimo bambino?
KWAN-doh ah ah-VU-toh LOOL-tee-mo bahm-BEE-noh?
37. Yesterday?
38. Was it more than 8 hours ago?
successo pi— di otto ore fa?
eh sooch-AYS-oh pyoo dee OHT-toh OH-ray fa?
39. Did you have anesthesia for the delivery?
Ha avuto una anestesia per il parto?
ah ah-VU-toh OO-na ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah pehr eel PAHR-toh?
40. What kind of anesthesia did you have?
Che tipo di anestesia ha avuto?
keh TEE-po dee ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah ah ah-VU-toh?
41. How many pregnancies have you had?
Quante gravidanze ha avuto?
KWAN-tay GRAH-vee-dahn-tsay ah ah-VU-toh?
42. How many children do you have?
quanti figli ha?
KWAN-tee FEEL-yee ah?
45. Where?
46. Point to where they are going to operate.
Segni dove devono operare
SEN-yee DOH-veh DAY-voh-no oh-pair-AR-ay
47. Are you allergic to any medication?
allergico/a a qualche farmaco?
eh al-LEHR-gee-koh ah KWAL-kay FARM-ah-koh?
48. Are you taking any medication?
Prende medicine?
PREN-day may-dee-CHEE-nay?
49. What are the names of the medicines?
Come si chiamano le medicine
KOH-meh see key-AH-mah-no lay may-dee-CHEE-nay?
52. Do you smoke ?
53. Do you drink alcohol?
Beve alcolici?
BAY-vay al-KOHL-ee-chee?
54. Have you taken illegal drugs?
Ha preso droghe?
ah PRAY-zo DROH-gay?
55. Have you had high blood pressure?
Ha mai sofferto di pressione alta?
ah MAH-ee so-FEHR-toh dee pre-SYO-nay AHL-tah?
56. Have you had heart disease?
Ha avuto malattie di cuore?
ah ah-VU-toh mah-la-TEE-ay dee KWOH-ray?
57. Have you had asthma?
Soffre di asma?
SOHF-ray dee AHZ-ma?
58. Have you had tuberculosis?
Ha avuto la tubercolosi?
ah ah-VU-toh lah too-BEHR-koh-loh-zee?
59. Have you had hepatitis?
Ha mai avuto l'epatite?
ah MAH-ee ah-VU-toh lay-pah-TEE-tay?
60. Have you had diabetes?
eh dee-ah-BAY-tee-ko/a?
61. Have you had thyroid disease?
Ha mai avuto malattie della tiroide?
ah MAH-ee ah-VU-toh mah-la-TEE-ay DAY-la tee-ROYD- eh?
62. Have you had epilepsy or seizures?
Ha mai sofferto di epilessia o convulsioni?
ah MAH-ee sof-FER-toh dee ay-pee-lay-SEE-ah oh dee
63. Do you have AIDS?
Ha l'AIDS?
ah layds?
64. Do you have a cold?
eh RAHF-fred-ah-toh/tah?
65. When you lie flat do you feel like acid or food comes into the back
of your throat.
Quando si sdraia sente un rigurgito di acido o di cibo in bocca?
KWAN-doh see ZDRA-ya SEN-tay oon ree-GHUR-gee-toh dee AH-cee-doh
o dee CHEE-boh een BOH-kah?
66. When you cut yourself do you bleed normally or more than most
Quando si taglia sanguina normalmente o pi— a lungo di altre persone?
KWAN-doh see TAHL-ya SAHN-gwee-nah nor-mal-MEHN-tay o pyoo ah
LOON-goh dee AHL-tray pair-SO-nay?
67. Have you ever had a blood transfusion?
Ha mai avuto una trasfusione di sangue?
ah MAH-ee ah-VU-toh OO-na TRAHS-foo-zee-o-nay dee SAHN-gway?
68. Never?
70. What kinds of anesthesia have you had?
Che tipo di anesteisa ha avuto?
keh TEE-po dee ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah ah ah-VU-toh?
71. General Anesthesia?
Anestesia generale
ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah JAY-nay-rah-lay?
72. Spinal or Epidural Anesthesia?
Anestesia spinale o epidurale?
ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah SPEE-nah-lay oh AY-pee-doo-rah-lay?
73. Local Anesthesia?
Anestesia locale?
ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah lo-KAH-lay?
74. Have you or anyone in your family ever had problems from anesthesia?
Lei o i suoi famigliari avete mai avuto problemi con l'anestesia?
LEH-ee oh ee SOO-oy fam-EEL-yah-ree AH-vay-tay MAH-ee ah-VU-toh
pro-BLAY-mee kohn lah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah?
81. Have you had anything to eat or drink in the past 8 hours?
Ha mangiato o bevuto qualche cosa nelle ultime otto ore?
ah man-JAH-toh o BAY-vu-toh KWAHL-kay KOH-sah NEHL-lay
OOL-tee-may OHT-toh OH-ray?
82. How many hours ago did you have anything to eat or drink?
Da quante ore non mangia e non beve?
dah KWAN-tay OH-rayh nohn MAN-jah eh nohn BAY-vay?
83. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
uno due tre quattro cinque sei
OO-no, DOO-ay, tray, KWAT-tro, CHEEN-kway, say,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
sette otto nove dieci undici dodici
SET-tay, OHt-toh, NO-vay, dee-AY-chee, OON-dee-chee,
84. Do this.
Lo faccia.
loh FAH-cha
85. Tilt your head back - like this.
Spinga indietro la testa, cosŤ
SPEEN-ga in-dy-AY-tro la TEH-stah, koh-ZEE
86. Turn your head from side to side.
Giri la testa da una parte all'altra
JEE-ree la TEH-stah da OO-na PAR-tay all-AHL-trah
87. That's enough.
Basta cosí
BAH-sta koh-ZEE
88. Open your mouth.
Apra la bocca
AH-prah la BOH-kah
89. Stick out your tongue.
Tiri fuori la lingua
TEE-ree FWO-ree la LEEN-gwa
90. Show me your teeth.
Mostri i denti
MO-stree ee DEN-tee
91. Close your mouth.
Chiuda la bocca
KYOO-dah la BOH-kah
92. Do you have any false teeth, loose teeth, dental caps or bridges?
Ha denti finti, mobili, capsule, ponti?
ah DEN-tee FEEN-tee, MO-bee-lee, KAHP-soo-lay, PON-tee?
93. Sometimes caps, bridges, or teeth get damaged under anesthesia, but
we will try to be very careful.
A volte le capsule, i ponti o i denti possono essere danneggiati sotto
anestesia, ma cercheremo di stare molto attenti.
ah VOL-tay lay KAHP-soo-lay ee PON-tee o ee DEN-tee POS-sono
ES-sai-ray dan-nej-JAH-tee SOT-to ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah, mah
chair-kay-RAY-mo dee stah-RAY MOL-toh at-TEN-tee
94. Did anyone give you medicine today?
Qualcuno vi ha dato una medicina oggi
kwal-KOO-no vee ah DAH-to OO-na may-dee-CHEE-nah O-jee?
95. For what?
Per cosa?
pehr KOH-sah?
96. To make you relaxed?
Per rilassarla?
pehr ree-las-SAHR-la
97. I have to listen to your chest.
Devo auscultarle il torace
DAY-voh ah-skol-TAR-lay EEL TOW-rah-chay
98. Breathe deeply.
Respiri profondamente
res-PEE-ree pro-fon-da-MEHN-tay
99. Inhale.
100. Exhale.
101. Sometimes complications occur with anesthesia, but it's very rare
and we will take good care of you.
A volte avvengono delle complicazioni in anestesia, ma sono molto rare e
noi la cureremo bene
ah VOL-tay av-VEN-go-no DEHL-ay kom-PLEE-kah-tsEE-o-nee een
ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah, mah SO-no MOL-to RAH-ray eh noy la
koo-reh-REH-mo BAY-nay
102. We are going to give you some medicine in here and you are going to
fall asleep.
Stiamo per darle ora una medicina e lei sentir… sonno
stee-AH-mo pehr DAHR-lay O-rah OO-na may-dee-CHEE-nah ay LEH-ee
sen-tee-RAH SO-noh
103. When surgery has finished you will wake up.
Quando l'intervento sar… finito lei si svegler…
KWAN-doh leen-tair-VEN-toh sa-RAH fee-NEE-to see svayl-yay-RAH
104. When you wake up your throat might feel a little sore but it will
get better.
Quando si sveglier… potrebbe sentire mal di gola, poi star… meglio
KWAN-doh see svayl-yay-RAH po-TRAY-bay sen-TEE-ray mal dee
GO-lah, poy sta-RAH MAYL-yo
105. In a little while
Tra poco
tra PO-ko
106. we will put medicine in here to make you feel very sleepy.
le daremo una medicina per farle venire sonno
lay da-RAY-mo OO-na may-dee-CHEE-nah pehr FAHR-lay ven-EE-ray
107. Then we will give you a little needle stick here
Poi la pungeremo con un piccolo ago
poy la poon-jair-RAY-mo kohn OOn peek-KO-lo AH-go
108. and you will get numb here
E lei si sentir… pesante qui
eh LEH-ee see sen-tee-RAH pez-AHN-tay kwee
109. so that you will not feel the operation.
CosŤ non sentir… l'operazione
ko-ZEE nohn sen-tee-RAH lopair-ah-TSEE-o-nay
110. If you wish you can also be asleep during the operation.
Se lo vuole pu• anche dormire durante l'operazione
say lo VWO-lay pwo an-kay dorm-EE-ray DOO-ran-tay
111. We are taking you to the operating room now.
La stiamo portando in camera operatoria
la stee-AM-o port-AN-do een KAM-air-ah opair-ah-TOR-ee-ah
112. Move over there.
Si sposti l…
see SPOS-tee la
113. Move over here.
Si sposti qua
see SPOS-tee kwa
114. Move down.
In basso
een BAS-so
115. Move up.
In alto
een AL-tow
116. More.
Di pi—
dee pyoo
117. Lie down.
Si sdrai
see z-DRAY-ee
118. Give me your arm.
Mi dia il braccio
mee DEE-ah eel BRA-cho
119. Uncross your legs.
Non accavalli le gambe
nohn AHK-kah-vah-lee lay GAHM-bay
120. Don't move.
Non si muova
nohn see MWO-vah
121. Relax.
Si rilassi
see ree-LAH-see
122. Raise your head.
Alzi la testa
AHL-tsee la TEST-ah
123. Lower your head.
Abbassi la testa
ab-BAH-see la TEST-ah
124. This is going to feel tight for just a few moments.
Le sembrer… stretto per qualche momento
lay semb-ray-RAH STRAY-tow pehr KWAl-kay mo-MEN-tow
125. We are taking your blood pressure.
Le misuriamo la pressione del sangue
lay mee-ZOO-ree-amo lah pres-SYO-nay del SANG-way
126. Open your eyes.
Apra gli occhi
AH-prah lyee OK-key
127. Close your eyes.
Chiuda gli occhi
KYOO-dah lyee OK-key
128. I am going to give you oxygen with this mask.
Le dar• dell'ossigeno con questa maschera
lay dar-OH del-os-SEE-jay-no kohn KWE-stah MAS-kai-rah
129. It won't bother you.
Non le dar… fastidio
nohn lay da-RAH fas-TEE-dyo
130. Breathe deeply.
Respiri profondamente
res-PEE-ree pro-fonda-MEHN-tay
131. Again.
132. Don't worry. We will take good care of you.
Non abbia paura, la cureremo bene
nohn AB-ee-a pow-U-ra, la koo-reh-REH-mo BAY-nay
132a. I am going to spray your throat.
Le spruzzo la gola
lay SPRU-tso la GO-lah
133. You are going to start to feel sleepy.
Sta per venirle sonno
stah pehr ven-EER-lay SON-noh
134. You might start to see double.
Forse vedr… doppio
FOR-say ved-RAH DOP-pee-o
135. Do you feel sleepy?
Ha sonno?
ah SON-noh?
136. You are going to sleep now.
Sta per dormire
stah pehr dor-MEE-ray
136a. You will feel pressure on your neck.(larynx)(voice-box). (This
is to be said to a patient to whom we are giving cricoid pressure for a
rapid sequence induction)
Sentir… una pressione sul collo (laringe)(corde vocali).
sen-tee-RAH OO-na pres-YO-nay sool KOL-lo (lar-EEN-jay) (KOR-day
137. The operation is almost finished.
L'intervento Š quasi finito
leen-tair-VEN-to eh KWA-zee fee-NEE-to
138. The operation is finished.
L'intervento Š finito
leen-tair-VEN-to eh fee-NEE-to
139. Cough.
140. Squeeze my hand. Hard. Harder.
Mi stringa la mano. Forte. Pi— forte
mee STREEN-ga la MAH-no. FOR-tay, pyoo FOR-tay
141. Lift your legs.
Alzi le gambe
AHL-tsee lay GAHM-bay
142. Sit up.
Si sieda
see SYAY-dah
142a. Bend forward. (bend over) (This is to be said to a patient sitting
for a spinal or epidural)
Si chini in avanti.
see KEY-nee een ah-VAHN-tee
143. Lie on your right side.
Si sdrai sul fianco destro
see ZDRA-yee SOOL fee-AHN-ko DEH-stroh
144. Lie on your left side.
Si sdrai sul fianco sinistro
see ZDRA-yee SOOL fee-ANH-ko see-NEE-stroh
145. Lie on your back.
Si sdrai sulla schiena
see ZDRA-yee SOO-la SKYAY-na
146. Lie on your stomach.
Si sdrai sullo stomaco
see ZDRA-yee SOO-low STOH-mah-koh
147. Bend your knees.
Pieghi le ginocchia
pee-AY-ghee lay jee-NO-key-ah
148. This is going to feel cold.
Con questo sentira’ del freddo.
kohn KWES-toh sen-tee-RAH dehl FRAY-doh
149. You will feel a needle stick.
Sentir… una puntura di ago
sen-tee-RAH OO-na poon-TOO-rah dee AH-go
150. Lie down.
Si sdrai
see ZDRA-yee
151. Quickly.
153. Do your legs feel normal?
Sente le gambe normali?
SEN-tay lay GAHM-bay nor-MA-lee?
154. Do your legs feel numb?
Sente le gambe pesanti?
SEN-tay lay GAHM-bay pe-ZAHN-tee?
155. Do you feel dizzy?
Si sente stordito?
see SEN-tay stor-DEE-tow?
156. Do you have the taste of metal in your mouth?
sente un sapore metallico in bocca?
SEN-tay oon sap-O-ray MEH-tahl-lee-ko een BOHK-ka?
157. Is this sharp?
159. Which is sharper? Here, or here?
Dove punge di piu’, qui o qui?
DOH-veh POON-jay dee pyoo, KWEE o KWEE
160. Are you O.K?
Sta bene?
stah BAY-nay?
161. Do you feel nervous?
eh nair-VO-zo?
162. Would you like to feel sleepier?
Vuole dormire un poco di pi—?
VWO-lay dorm-EE-ray oon POH-ko dee pyoo?
163. I will cover your face
Le copro la faccia
lay KOP-row la fA-cha
164. for just a few moments
per un attimo
pehr oon AHT-ee-mo
165. and then I will uncover it.
e poi la scopro
eh poy la SKOP-row
166. Can you move your feet?
Pu• muovere i piedi?
pwo MWO-vai-ray ee pee-YAY-dee?
167. Can you wiggle your toes?
Pu• muovere le dita?
pwo MWO-vai-ray lay DEE-tah?
168. We are going to put your legs up.
Stiamo per alzarle le gambe
stee-AH-mo pehr alts-AR-lay lay GAHM-bay
169. Are you in pain?
Ha male
ah MAH-lay
170. Now?
171. Is there less pain?
Meno dolore qui?
MAY-no do-LO-ray kwee?
172. Is there more pain?
Pi— dolore qui
pyoo do-LO-ray kwee?
173. Are you nauseated?
Ha nausea?
ah NOW-zay-a?
174. Do you have chest pain?
Ha dolore al torace?
ah do-LO-ray ahl to-RAH-chay?
175. We will give you more medicine to make it hurt less.
Le daremo una medicina perchŠ le dia meno fastidio
lay DAH-ray-mo OO-na may-dee-CHEE-nah pehr-KAY lay DEE-ah MAY-no
176. More medicine.
Pi— medicina
pyoo may-dee-CHEE-nah
176a. Push.
177. It's a boy!
un maschietto
eh oon mas-kee-AY-to!
178. It's a girl!
una bambina
eh OO-na bam-BEE-na!
179. Do you have a headache?
Ha mal di testa?
ah mal dee TEST-ah?
180. Is it worse when you sit up?
Peggiora quando si siede?
pej-JO-ray KWan-do see SYAY-day?
181. Does it get better when you lie flat?
Migliora quando si sdraia?
meel-YO-rah KWAN-do see ZDRAY-a?
182. You must drink lots of liquids to help your headache.
Deve bere molti liquidi per aiutare il suo mal di testa
DAY-vay BAY-ray MOl-tee LEE-kwee-dee pehr a-yoo-TAH-ray eel
SOO-oh mal dee TEST-ah
183. Hi.
184. How are you?
Come stai?
KOH-meh STA-ee?
185. What's your name?
Come ti chiami?
KOH-meh tee key-AH-mee?
186. Mommy can't come in here.
La mamma non pu• entrare qui
la MAHM-ma nohn pwo en-TRAH-ray kwi
187. Everything's going to be O.K.
Sta andando tutto bene
stah an-DAN-do TOOT-to BAY-nay
188. This is for you to play with.
Questo Š tuo per giocare
KWEST-oh eh TOO-oh pehr jo-KAH-ray
189. Push this, like this.
Spingi, cosŤ
SPEEN-gee, ko-ZEE
190. You're going to sleep now.
Stai per addormentarti
STA-ee pehr ad-dorment-AHR-tee
191. You're going to have a nice dream.
Stai per fare un bel sogno
STA-ee pehr FA-ray oon bel SON-yo
192. Please read this.
Per favore legga qui
pehr fah-VOH-reh, LEG-gah kwee
193. Do you understand this?
194. Shall we proceed?
Possiamo procedere?
poss-YA-mo PRO-chay-day-ray?
ankle - anca
arm - braccio
back - schiena
chest - petto
ear - orecchio
elbow - gomito
eye - occhio
fingers - dita della mano
fist - pugno
foot - piede
hand - mano
head - testa
heart - cuore
heel - tallone
hip - fianco
knee - ginocchia
leg - gamba
mouth - bocca
nose - naso
neck - collo
shoulder - spalla
toes - dita del piede
tongue - lingua
tooth - dente
waist - vita
wrist - polso
acid - acido (65)
afternoon - sera (5)
again - ancora (131)
AIDS - AIDS (63)
alcohol - alcol (53)
allergic - allergico (47)
almost - quasi (137)
anesthesia - anestesia (39), (40), (70), (71, 72, 73, 74)
anesthetist - anestesista (12)
answer - risposta (32)
anyone - nessuno (74), (94)
anything - niente (81, 82)
arm - braccio (118)
asleep - addormentato (102), 14 (110), 17 (136), 23 (190)
asthma - asma (57)
baby - bimbo (36)
back - (towards) indietro (85) (on) dorso (145)
bend - curvare (147)
better - meglio (104), (181)
bleed - sanguinare (66)
blood pressure - pressione (55), (125)
blood transfusion - transfusione di sangue (67)
bother - dar fastidio (129)
boy - ragazzo (177)
breathe - respiro (98), (130)
bridges - ponti (92, 93)
caps - capsule (92, 93)
care - cura (101), (132)
careful - attenzione (93)
chest - petto (97), (174)
children - bambini (42)
close - chiudere (91), (127)
cold - (have a cold) raffreddore (64) (feel cold) freddo (148 )
complications - complicazioni (101)
cough - tosse (139)
cover - coprire (163)
cut - taglio (66)
damaged - danneggiato (93)
deeply - profondamente (98), (130)
delivery - parto (39)
dental - dei denti (92)
diabetes - diabete (60)
disease - malattia (56), (61)
doctor m. - dottore (8)
doctor f. - dottoressa (9)
double - doppio (134)
down - move down - in gi— (114) lie down - sdraiarsi (117), (150)
dream - sogno (191)
drink - bere (53), (80, 81, 82) bibita (182)
dull - fiacco (158)
during - durante (110)
eat - cibo (80, 81, 82)
enough - abbastanza (87)
epidural - epidurale (72)
epilepsy - epilessia (62)
evening - notte (6)
exhale - espiri (100)
eyes - occhi (126, 127)
face - faccia (163)
false - falso (92)
family - famiglia (74)
feet - piedi (78), (166)
fine - bene (28, 29)
finished - finito (103), (137, 138)
flat - piatto (65), (181)
food - cibo (65)
for - per
general - generale (71)
girl - ragazza (178)
good - bene (4, 5, 6), (101), (132)
good-bye - arrivederci (30)
hand - mano (140)
hard - forte (140)
head - testa (85, 86), (122), (123)
headache - mal di testa (179, 182)
heart - cuore (56)
hello - ciao (3)
hepatitis - epatite (59)
here - qui
hi - ciao (183)
hours - ore (38), (81, 82)
hurt - dolore, duole (169, 171, 172, 174, 175)
hypertension - pressione alta (55)
illegal - illegale (54)
inches - pollici (79)
inhale - inalare (99)
knees - ginocchia (147)
know - sapere (32, 35)
languages - lingue (2)
last - ultimo (36), (80)
left - sinistra (144)
legs - gambe (119), (141), (152, 153, 154), (168)
less - meno (171, 175)
lie - sdraiarsi (65), (117), (143, 144, 145, 146), (150), (181)
lift - solleva (122), (141)
like - (want) preferisce (110), (162) (in this manner) cosŤ (85), (189)
liquids - liquidi (182)
listen - ascoltare (97)
little while - un istante (105)
local - locale (73)
loose - libero (92)
lower - abbassa (123)
mask - maschera (128)
medicine - medicina (47, 48), (49, 50, 51), (94), (102, 106), (175), (176)
metal - metallo (156)
moments - momenti (124), (164)
Mommy - mamma (186)
more - piú
mouth -bocca (88), (91), (156)
move - muovi 15 (112, 113, 114, 115, 120), (166), (167)
much - molto (how much) quanto
name - chiama (7), (13), (185)
names - nomi (49)
nausea - nausea (173)
needle - ago (107), (149)
nervous - nervoso (161)
never - mai (68)
nice - carino (191)
no - no
normal - normale (153)
now - ora (111), (136), (170), (190)
numb - insensibile (108) intontito (154)
numbers - numeri (83)
nurse - infermiere/a (10), (11)
O.K. - bene (187)
occur - capita (101)
old - anni (43)
only - solo (32)
open - apra (88), (126)
operating room - camera operatoria (111)
operation - operazione(46)
other - altri (2)
out - fuori (89)
over - (move over) passa (112, 113)
oxygen - ossigeno (128)
pain - dolore (169, 171, 172, 174, 175)
play - giochi (188)
please - per favore (21, 23, 24), (32)
point - segnala (46)
possible - possibsle (32)
pounds - libbre (76)
practice - pratica (18)
pregnancies - gravidanze (41)
pressure - pressione (55), (125)
probably - probablemente 2 (16)
problems - problemi (74)
proceed - procedere(194)
push - spingi (189)
put - metti (106), (168)
questions - domande (31, 32)
quickly - velocemente (151)
raise - alza (122), (141)
rare - raro (101)
read - legga (192)
relax - si rilassi (96), (121)
repeat - ripetere (23)
right - (correct) giusto (20) (direction) destra (143)
room -camera (111)
say - dica (15, 16, 19), (20)
see - vedere (134)
seizures - convulsioni (62)
sharp - pungente (157), (158, 159)
sharper - pi— pungente (159)
show - mostra (90)
side - lato (86), (143, 144)
sit - si sieda(142), 22 (180)
sleep - sonno (102), (110), (136), (190)
sleepier - pi— sonno (162)
sleepy - sonnolenza (106), (133, 135)
slowly - lentamente (21, 23)
smoke - fuma (52)
some - qualche (15), (31), (102)
sometimes - a volte (93), (101)
sore - dolore (104)
sorry - scusi (22)
Italian- italiano (1), (14, 15, 18, 19)
speak - parla (1, 2), (14, 18), (21)
spinal - spinale (72)
squeeze - apra (140)
start - inizio (133, 134)
stick - puntura (149)
stomach - stomaco (146)
surgery - chirurgia (103)
take - prendere (48), (54), (111), (125)
taking - prendendo(125)
tall - alto (77)
taste - sapore (156)
teeth - denti (90, 92, 93)
thank - grazie (25)
this - questo
throat - gola (65), (104)
thyroid - tiroide (61)
tight - stretto (124)
today - oggi (94)
toes - dita (167)
tongue - lingua (89)
transfusion - transfusione (67)
try - cercare (93)
tuberculosis - tuberculosi (58)
turn - gira (86)
uncover - scoprire (165)
uncross -scavalli (119)
understand - capire (16, 17), (22), (193)
very - molto
wake - svegliarsi (103, 104)
weigh - peso (75)
welcome - prego (26)
what - cosa
when - quando
where - dove (45, 46)
which - quale (159)
while - mentre (105)
wiggle - muova (167)
wish - desidera(110), (162)
with - con
words - parole (15)
worry - preoccuparsi (132)
worse - peggiore (180)
write - scrivere (76)
yes - si (32, 33)
you - lei
yesterday - ieri (37)