Italian Phrase Book for Anesthesia

Translated by
Sandro Sottili
Head of Anesthesia and ICU
Clinica San Carlo
Paderno Dugnano (MI)

Transliterated by
Deborah K. Fellini
PhD Student
Italian Department, UCLA

1. Do you speak ITALIAN?
Parla italiano?
PAHR-la ee-tah-LYAH-noh?

2. What other languages do you speak?
Quali altre lingue parla?
KWAH-lee AHL-tray LEEN-goo-ay PAHR-la?

3. Hello.

4. Good Morning.
Buon giorno
boo-OHN jee-OHR-noh

5. Good afternoon.
Buon giorno
boo-OHN jee-OHR-noh

6. Good evening.
Buona sera
boo-OH-nah SAY-rah

7. What's your name?
Come si chiama ?
KOH-meh SEE key-AH-mah?

8. I am Dr.Smith.(male doctor)
Io sono il dottor Smith
EE-o SO-no EEL dot-TOR Smith

9. I am Dr.Smith.(female doctor)
Io sono la dottoressa Smith
EE-o SO-no la dot-TOR-ay-sah Smith

10. I am nurse Jones.(male nurse)
Io sono l'infermiere Jones
EE-o SO-no leen-fairm-YAI-ray Jones

11. I am nurse Jones.(female nurse)
Io sono l'infermiera Jones
EE-o SO-no leen-fairm-YAI-rah Jones

12. I am an anesthetist.
Sono un anestesista
SO-no OON ahn-ay-stay-ZEE-stah

13. My name is Sandy Green.
Il mio nome Š Sandy Green
EEL MEE-o NO-may eh Sandy Green

14. I do not speak Italian.
Non parlo italiano
nohn PAHR-loh ee-tah-lee-AH-noh

15. I can say some words in Italian.
Conosco qualche parola di italiano
ko-NO-sko KWAHL-kay par-OH-la dee ee-tah-lee-AH-noh

16. But, I probably will not understand what you say.
Ma probabilmente non capirň quello che lei mi dirŕ
MAH pro-ba-beel-MEN-tay nohn kah-pee-ROH KWEL-loh kay LEH-ee mee

17. Do you understand me?
Lei mi capisce?
LEH-ee mee kah-PEE-sheh?

18. May I practice speaking Italian with you?
Posso provare a parlare italiano con lei?
POH-soh prov-AH-ray ah pahr-LAH-ray ee-tah-lee-AH-noh kohn

19. How do you say "book" in Italian?
Come si dice "book" in italiano?
KOH-meh see DEE-chay "book" een ee-tah-lee-AH-noh?

20. Did I say that right?
Ho detto bene?
oh DAHY-toh BAY-nay?

21. Please speak slowly.
Per favore, parli lentamente
pehr fah-VOH-reh PAhR-lee layn-tah-MEHN-tay

22. I'm sorry. I don't understand you.
Mi dispiace. Non riesco a capirla
mee deesp-YA-chay nohn ree-AY-sko ah kah-PEER-lah

23. Would you repeat that slowly, please?
Pu• ripetere lentamente, per favore?
pwo ree-PAY-tay-ray layn-tah-MEHN-tay, pehr fah-VOH-reh?

24. Please.
Per favore
pehr fah-VOH-reh

25. Thank you.

26. You're welcome.

27. Are you O.K?
Tutto bene?
TOOT-toh BAY-nay?

28. You are fine.
Lei sta bene
LEH-ee stah BAY-nay.

29. That's fine.
Va bene
vah BAY-nay

30. Good-bye.

31. I have to ask you some questions.
Devo farle alcune domande
DAY-voh FAHR-lay ahl-KOOH-nay do-MAHN-day

32. Please answer only "yes", "no", or "I don't know", to the questions.
Per favore, risponda solo "sí", "no" o "non so" alle domande
pehr fah-VOH-reh, ree-SPON-dah SO-lo "see", "noh" oh "nohn soh"
AH-lay do-MAHN-day

33. Yes.


34. No.

35. I don't know.
Non so
nohn soh

36. When did you last have a baby?
Quando ha avuto l'ultimo bambino?
KWAN-doh ah ah-VU-toh LOOL-tee-mo bahm-BEE-noh?

37. Yesterday?

38. Was it more than 8 hours ago?
successo pi— di otto ore fa?
eh sooch-AYS-oh pyoo dee OHT-toh OH-ray fa?

39. Did you have anesthesia for the delivery?
Ha avuto una anestesia per il parto?
ah ah-VU-toh OO-na ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah pehr eel PAHR-toh?

40. What kind of anesthesia did you have?
Che tipo di anestesia ha avuto?
keh TEE-po dee ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah ah ah-VU-toh?

41. How many pregnancies have you had?
Quante gravidanze ha avuto?
KWAN-tay GRAH-vee-dahn-tsay ah ah-VU-toh?

42. How many children do you have?
quanti figli ha?
KWAN-tee FEEL-yee ah?

45. Where?

46. Point to where they are going to operate.
Segni dove devono operare
SEN-yee DOH-veh DAY-voh-no oh-pair-AR-ay

47. Are you allergic to any medication?
allergico/a a qualche farmaco?
eh al-LEHR-gee-koh ah KWAL-kay FARM-ah-koh?

48. Are you taking any medication?
Prende medicine?
PREN-day may-dee-CHEE-nay?

49. What are the names of the medicines?
Come si chiamano le medicine
KOH-meh see key-AH-mah-no lay may-dee-CHEE-nay?

52. Do you smoke ?

53. Do you drink alcohol?
Beve alcolici?
BAY-vay al-KOHL-ee-chee?

54. Have you taken illegal drugs?
Ha preso droghe?
ah PRAY-zo DROH-gay?

55. Have you had high blood pressure?
Ha mai sofferto di pressione alta?
ah MAH-ee so-FEHR-toh dee pre-SYO-nay AHL-tah?

56. Have you had heart disease?
Ha avuto malattie di cuore?
ah ah-VU-toh mah-la-TEE-ay dee KWOH-ray?

57. Have you had asthma?
Soffre di asma?
SOHF-ray dee AHZ-ma?

58. Have you had tuberculosis?
Ha avuto la tubercolosi?
ah ah-VU-toh lah too-BEHR-koh-loh-zee?

59. Have you had hepatitis?
Ha mai avuto l'epatite?
ah MAH-ee ah-VU-toh lay-pah-TEE-tay?

60. Have you had diabetes?
eh dee-ah-BAY-tee-ko/a?

61. Have you had thyroid disease?
Ha mai avuto malattie della tiroide?
ah MAH-ee ah-VU-toh mah-la-TEE-ay DAY-la tee-ROYD- eh?

62. Have you had epilepsy or seizures?
Ha mai sofferto di epilessia o convulsioni?
ah MAH-ee sof-FER-toh dee ay-pee-lay-SEE-ah oh dee

63. Do you have AIDS?
Ha l'AIDS?
ah layds?

64. Do you have a cold?
eh RAHF-fred-ah-toh/tah?

65. When you lie flat do you feel like acid or food comes into the back
of your throat.
Quando si sdraia sente un rigurgito di acido o di cibo in bocca?
KWAN-doh see ZDRA-ya SEN-tay oon ree-GHUR-gee-toh dee AH-cee-doh
o dee CHEE-boh een BOH-kah?

66. When you cut yourself do you bleed normally or more than most
Quando si taglia sanguina normalmente o pi— a lungo di altre persone?
KWAN-doh see TAHL-ya SAHN-gwee-nah nor-mal-MEHN-tay o pyoo ah
LOON-goh dee AHL-tray pair-SO-nay?

67. Have you ever had a blood transfusion?
Ha mai avuto una trasfusione di sangue?
ah MAH-ee ah-VU-toh OO-na TRAHS-foo-zee-o-nay dee SAHN-gway?

68. Never?

70. What kinds of anesthesia have you had?
Che tipo di anesteisa ha avuto?
keh TEE-po dee ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah ah ah-VU-toh?

71. General Anesthesia?
Anestesia generale
ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah JAY-nay-rah-lay?

72. Spinal or Epidural Anesthesia?
Anestesia spinale o epidurale?
ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah SPEE-nah-lay oh AY-pee-doo-rah-lay?

73. Local Anesthesia?
Anestesia locale?
ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah lo-KAH-lay?

74. Have you or anyone in your family ever had problems from anesthesia?
Lei o i suoi famigliari avete mai avuto problemi con l'anestesia?
LEH-ee oh ee SOO-oy fam-EEL-yah-ree AH-vay-tay MAH-ee ah-VU-toh
pro-BLAY-mee kohn lah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah?

81. Have you had anything to eat or drink in the past 8 hours?
Ha mangiato o bevuto qualche cosa nelle ultime otto ore?
ah man-JAH-toh o BAY-vu-toh KWAHL-kay KOH-sah NEHL-lay
OOL-tee-may OHT-toh OH-ray?

82. How many hours ago did you have anything to eat or drink?
Da quante ore non mangia e non beve?
dah KWAN-tay OH-rayh nohn MAN-jah eh nohn BAY-vay?

83. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
uno due tre quattro cinque sei
OO-no, DOO-ay, tray, KWAT-tro, CHEEN-kway, say,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
sette otto nove dieci undici dodici
SET-tay, OHt-toh, NO-vay, dee-AY-chee, OON-dee-chee,

84. Do this.
Lo faccia.
loh FAH-cha

85. Tilt your head back - like this.
Spinga indietro la testa, cosŤ
SPEEN-ga in-dy-AY-tro la TEH-stah, koh-ZEE

86. Turn your head from side to side.
Giri la testa da una parte all'altra
JEE-ree la TEH-stah da OO-na PAR-tay all-AHL-trah

87. That's enough.
Basta cosí
BAH-sta koh-ZEE

88. Open your mouth.
Apra la bocca
AH-prah la BOH-kah

89. Stick out your tongue.
Tiri fuori la lingua
TEE-ree FWO-ree la LEEN-gwa

90. Show me your teeth.
Mostri i denti
MO-stree ee DEN-tee

91. Close your mouth.
Chiuda la bocca
KYOO-dah la BOH-kah

92. Do you have any false teeth, loose teeth, dental caps or bridges?
Ha denti finti, mobili, capsule, ponti?
ah DEN-tee FEEN-tee, MO-bee-lee, KAHP-soo-lay, PON-tee?

93. Sometimes caps, bridges, or teeth get damaged under anesthesia, but
we will try to be very careful.
A volte le capsule, i ponti o i denti possono essere danneggiati sotto
anestesia, ma cercheremo di stare molto attenti.
ah VOL-tay lay KAHP-soo-lay ee PON-tee o ee DEN-tee POS-sono
ES-sai-ray dan-nej-JAH-tee SOT-to ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah, mah
chair-kay-RAY-mo dee stah-RAY MOL-toh at-TEN-tee

94. Did anyone give you medicine today?
Qualcuno vi ha dato una medicina oggi
kwal-KOO-no vee ah DAH-to OO-na may-dee-CHEE-nah O-jee?

95. For what?
Per cosa?
pehr KOH-sah?

96. To make you relaxed?
Per rilassarla?
pehr ree-las-SAHR-la

97. I have to listen to your chest.
Devo auscultarle il torace
DAY-voh ah-skol-TAR-lay EEL TOW-rah-chay

98. Breathe deeply.
Respiri profondamente
res-PEE-ree pro-fon-da-MEHN-tay

99. Inhale.

100. Exhale.

101. Sometimes complications occur with anesthesia, but it's very rare
and we will take good care of you.
A volte avvengono delle complicazioni in anestesia, ma sono molto rare e
noi la cureremo bene
ah VOL-tay av-VEN-go-no DEHL-ay kom-PLEE-kah-tsEE-o-nee een
ah-nay-stay-ZEE-ah, mah SO-no MOL-to RAH-ray eh noy la
koo-reh-REH-mo BAY-nay

102. We are going to give you some medicine in here and you are going to
fall asleep.
Stiamo per darle ora una medicina e lei sentir… sonno
stee-AH-mo pehr DAHR-lay O-rah OO-na may-dee-CHEE-nah ay LEH-ee
sen-tee-RAH SO-noh

103. When surgery has finished you will wake up.
Quando l'intervento sar… finito lei si svegler…
KWAN-doh leen-tair-VEN-toh sa-RAH fee-NEE-to see svayl-yay-RAH

104. When you wake up your throat might feel a little sore but it will
get better.
Quando si sveglier… potrebbe sentire mal di gola, poi star… meglio
KWAN-doh see svayl-yay-RAH po-TRAY-bay sen-TEE-ray mal dee
GO-lah, poy sta-RAH MAYL-yo

105. In a little while
Tra poco
tra PO-ko

106. we will put medicine in here to make you feel very sleepy.
le daremo una medicina per farle venire sonno
lay da-RAY-mo OO-na may-dee-CHEE-nah pehr FAHR-lay ven-EE-ray

107. Then we will give you a little needle stick here
Poi la pungeremo con un piccolo ago
poy la poon-jair-RAY-mo kohn OOn peek-KO-lo AH-go

108. and you will get numb here
E lei si sentir… pesante qui
eh LEH-ee see sen-tee-RAH pez-AHN-tay kwee

109. so that you will not feel the operation.
CosŤ non sentir… l'operazione
ko-ZEE nohn sen-tee-RAH lopair-ah-TSEE-o-nay

110. If you wish you can also be asleep during the operation.
Se lo vuole pu• anche dormire durante l'operazione
say lo VWO-lay pwo an-kay dorm-EE-ray DOO-ran-tay

111. We are taking you to the operating room now.
La stiamo portando in camera operatoria
la stee-AM-o port-AN-do een KAM-air-ah opair-ah-TOR-ee-ah

112. Move over there.
Si sposti l…
see SPOS-tee la

113. Move over here.
Si sposti qua
see SPOS-tee kwa

114. Move down.
In basso
een BAS-so

115. Move up.
In alto
een AL-tow

116. More.
Di pi—
dee pyoo
117. Lie down.
Si sdrai
see z-DRAY-ee

118. Give me your arm.
Mi dia il braccio
mee DEE-ah eel BRA-cho

119. Uncross your legs.
Non accavalli le gambe
nohn AHK-kah-vah-lee lay GAHM-bay

120. Don't move.
Non si muova
nohn see MWO-vah

121. Relax.
Si rilassi
see ree-LAH-see

122. Raise your head.
Alzi la testa
AHL-tsee la TEST-ah

123. Lower your head.
Abbassi la testa
ab-BAH-see la TEST-ah

124. This is going to feel tight for just a few moments.
Le sembrer… stretto per qualche momento
lay semb-ray-RAH STRAY-tow pehr KWAl-kay mo-MEN-tow

125. We are taking your blood pressure.
Le misuriamo la pressione del sangue
lay mee-ZOO-ree-amo lah pres-SYO-nay del SANG-way

126. Open your eyes.
Apra gli occhi
AH-prah lyee OK-key

127. Close your eyes.
Chiuda gli occhi
KYOO-dah lyee OK-key

128. I am going to give you oxygen with this mask.
Le dar• dell'ossigeno con questa maschera
lay dar-OH del-os-SEE-jay-no kohn KWE-stah MAS-kai-rah

129. It won't bother you.
Non le dar… fastidio
nohn lay da-RAH fas-TEE-dyo

130. Breathe deeply.
Respiri profondamente
res-PEE-ree pro-fonda-MEHN-tay

131. Again.

132. Don't worry. We will take good care of you.
Non abbia paura, la cureremo bene
nohn AB-ee-a pow-U-ra, la koo-reh-REH-mo BAY-nay

132a. I am going to spray your throat.
Le spruzzo la gola
lay SPRU-tso la GO-lah

133. You are going to start to feel sleepy.
Sta per venirle sonno
stah pehr ven-EER-lay SON-noh

134. You might start to see double.
Forse vedr… doppio
FOR-say ved-RAH DOP-pee-o

135. Do you feel sleepy?
Ha sonno?
ah SON-noh?

136. You are going to sleep now.
Sta per dormire
stah pehr dor-MEE-ray

136a. You will feel pressure on your neck.(larynx)(voice-box). (This
is to be said to a patient to whom we are giving cricoid pressure for a
rapid sequence induction)
Sentir… una pressione sul collo (laringe)(corde vocali).
sen-tee-RAH OO-na pres-YO-nay sool KOL-lo (lar-EEN-jay) (KOR-day

137. The operation is almost finished.
L'intervento Š quasi finito
leen-tair-VEN-to eh KWA-zee fee-NEE-to

138. The operation is finished.
L'intervento Š finito
leen-tair-VEN-to eh fee-NEE-to

139. Cough.

140. Squeeze my hand. Hard. Harder.
Mi stringa la mano. Forte. Pi— forte
mee STREEN-ga la MAH-no. FOR-tay, pyoo FOR-tay

141. Lift your legs.
Alzi le gambe
AHL-tsee lay GAHM-bay

142. Sit up.
Si sieda
see SYAY-dah

142a. Bend forward. (bend over) (This is to be said to a patient sitting
for a spinal or epidural)
Si chini in avanti.
see KEY-nee een ah-VAHN-tee

143. Lie on your right side.
Si sdrai sul fianco destro
see ZDRA-yee SOOL fee-AHN-ko DEH-stroh

144. Lie on your left side.
Si sdrai sul fianco sinistro
see ZDRA-yee SOOL fee-ANH-ko see-NEE-stroh

145. Lie on your back.
Si sdrai sulla schiena
see ZDRA-yee SOO-la SKYAY-na

146. Lie on your stomach.
Si sdrai sullo stomaco
see ZDRA-yee SOO-low STOH-mah-koh

147. Bend your knees.
Pieghi le ginocchia
pee-AY-ghee lay jee-NO-key-ah

148. This is going to feel cold.
Con questo sentira’ del freddo.
kohn KWES-toh sen-tee-RAH dehl FRAY-doh

149. You will feel a needle stick.
Sentir… una puntura di ago
sen-tee-RAH OO-na poon-TOO-rah dee AH-go

150. Lie down.
Si sdrai
see ZDRA-yee

151. Quickly.

153. Do your legs feel normal?
Sente le gambe normali?
SEN-tay lay GAHM-bay nor-MA-lee?

154. Do your legs feel numb?
Sente le gambe pesanti?
SEN-tay lay GAHM-bay pe-ZAHN-tee?

155. Do you feel dizzy?
Si sente stordito?
see SEN-tay stor-DEE-tow?

156. Do you have the taste of metal in your mouth?
sente un sapore metallico in bocca?
SEN-tay oon sap-O-ray MEH-tahl-lee-ko een BOHK-ka?

157. Is this sharp?

159. Which is sharper? Here, or here?
Dove punge di piu’, qui o qui?
DOH-veh POON-jay dee pyoo, KWEE o KWEE

160. Are you O.K?
Sta bene?
stah BAY-nay?

161. Do you feel nervous?
eh nair-VO-zo?

162. Would you like to feel sleepier?
Vuole dormire un poco di pi—?
VWO-lay dorm-EE-ray oon POH-ko dee pyoo?

163. I will cover your face
Le copro la faccia
lay KOP-row la fA-cha

164. for just a few moments
per un attimo
pehr oon AHT-ee-mo

165. and then I will uncover it.
e poi la scopro
eh poy la SKOP-row

166. Can you move your feet?
Pu• muovere i piedi?
pwo MWO-vai-ray ee pee-YAY-dee?

167. Can you wiggle your toes?
Pu• muovere le dita?
pwo MWO-vai-ray lay DEE-tah?

168. We are going to put your legs up.
Stiamo per alzarle le gambe
stee-AH-mo pehr alts-AR-lay lay GAHM-bay

169. Are you in pain?
Ha male
ah MAH-lay

170. Now?

171. Is there less pain?
Meno dolore qui?
MAY-no do-LO-ray kwee?

172. Is there more pain?
Pi— dolore qui
pyoo do-LO-ray kwee?

173. Are you nauseated?
Ha nausea?
ah NOW-zay-a?

174. Do you have chest pain?
Ha dolore al torace?
ah do-LO-ray ahl to-RAH-chay?

175. We will give you more medicine to make it hurt less.
Le daremo una medicina perchŠ le dia meno fastidio
lay DAH-ray-mo OO-na may-dee-CHEE-nah pehr-KAY lay DEE-ah MAY-no

176. More medicine.
Pi— medicina
pyoo may-dee-CHEE-nah

176a. Push.

177. It's a boy!
un maschietto
eh oon mas-kee-AY-to!

178. It's a girl!
una bambina
eh OO-na bam-BEE-na!

179. Do you have a headache?
Ha mal di testa?
ah mal dee TEST-ah?

180. Is it worse when you sit up?
Peggiora quando si siede?
pej-JO-ray KWan-do see SYAY-day?

181. Does it get better when you lie flat?
Migliora quando si sdraia?
meel-YO-rah KWAN-do see ZDRAY-a?

182. You must drink lots of liquids to help your headache.
Deve bere molti liquidi per aiutare il suo mal di testa
DAY-vay BAY-ray MOl-tee LEE-kwee-dee pehr a-yoo-TAH-ray eel
SOO-oh mal dee TEST-ah

183. Hi.

184. How are you?
Come stai?
KOH-meh STA-ee?

185. What's your name?
Come ti chiami?
KOH-meh tee key-AH-mee?

186. Mommy can't come in here.
La mamma non pu• entrare qui
la MAHM-ma nohn pwo en-TRAH-ray kwi

187. Everything's going to be O.K.
Sta andando tutto bene
stah an-DAN-do TOOT-to BAY-nay

188. This is for you to play with.
Questo Š tuo per giocare
KWEST-oh eh TOO-oh pehr jo-KAH-ray

189. Push this, like this.
Spingi, cosŤ
SPEEN-gee, ko-ZEE

190. You're going to sleep now.
Stai per addormentarti
STA-ee pehr ad-dorment-AHR-tee

191. You're going to have a nice dream.
Stai per fare un bel sogno
STA-ee pehr FA-ray oon bel SON-yo

192. Please read this.
Per favore legga qui
pehr fah-VOH-reh, LEG-gah kwee

193. Do you understand this?

194. Shall we proceed?
Possiamo procedere?
poss-YA-mo PRO-chay-day-ray?

ankle - anca

arm - braccio

back - schiena

chest - petto

ear - orecchio

elbow - gomito

eye - occhio

fingers - dita della mano

fist - pugno

foot - piede

hand - mano

head - testa

heart - cuore

heel - tallone

hip - fianco

knee - ginocchia

leg - gamba

mouth - bocca

nose - naso

neck - collo

shoulder - spalla

toes - dita del piede

tongue - lingua

tooth - dente

waist - vita

wrist - polso

acid - acido (65)

afternoon - sera (5)

again - ancora (131)

AIDS - AIDS (63)

alcohol - alcol (53)

allergic - allergico (47)

almost - quasi (137)

anesthesia - anestesia (39), (40), (70), (71, 72, 73, 74)

anesthetist - anestesista (12)

answer - risposta (32)

anyone - nessuno (74), (94)

anything - niente (81, 82)

arm - braccio (118)

asleep - addormentato (102), 14 (110), 17 (136), 23 (190)

asthma - asma (57)

baby - bimbo (36)

back - (towards) indietro (85) (on) dorso (145)

bend - curvare (147)

better - meglio (104), (181)

bleed - sanguinare (66)

blood pressure - pressione (55), (125)

blood transfusion - transfusione di sangue (67)

bother - dar fastidio (129)

boy - ragazzo (177)

breathe - respiro (98), (130)

bridges - ponti (92, 93)

caps - capsule (92, 93)

care - cura (101), (132)

careful - attenzione (93)

chest - petto (97), (174)

children - bambini (42)

close - chiudere (91), (127)

cold - (have a cold) raffreddore (64) (feel cold) freddo (148 )

complications - complicazioni (101)

cough - tosse (139)

cover - coprire (163)

cut - taglio (66)

damaged - danneggiato (93)

deeply - profondamente (98), (130)

delivery - parto (39)

dental - dei denti (92)

diabetes - diabete (60)

disease - malattia (56), (61)

doctor m. - dottore (8)

doctor f. - dottoressa (9)

double - doppio (134)

down - move down - in gi— (114) lie down - sdraiarsi (117), (150)

dream - sogno (191)

drink - bere (53), (80, 81, 82) bibita (182)

dull - fiacco (158)

during - durante (110)

eat - cibo (80, 81, 82)

enough - abbastanza (87)

epidural - epidurale (72)

epilepsy - epilessia (62)

evening - notte (6)

exhale - espiri (100)

eyes - occhi (126, 127)

face - faccia (163)

false - falso (92)

family - famiglia (74)

feet - piedi (78), (166)

fine - bene (28, 29)

finished - finito (103), (137, 138)

flat - piatto (65), (181)

food - cibo (65)

for - per

general - generale (71)

girl - ragazza (178)

good - bene (4, 5, 6), (101), (132)

good-bye - arrivederci (30)

hand - mano (140)

hard - forte (140)

head - testa (85, 86), (122), (123)

headache - mal di testa (179, 182)

heart - cuore (56)

hello - ciao (3)

hepatitis - epatite (59)

here - qui

hi - ciao (183)

hours - ore (38), (81, 82)

hurt - dolore, duole (169, 171, 172, 174, 175)

hypertension - pressione alta (55)

illegal - illegale (54)

inches - pollici (79)

inhale - inalare (99)

knees - ginocchia (147)

know - sapere (32, 35)

languages - lingue (2)

last - ultimo (36), (80)

left - sinistra (144)

legs - gambe (119), (141), (152, 153, 154), (168)

less - meno (171, 175)

lie - sdraiarsi (65), (117), (143, 144, 145, 146), (150), (181)

lift - solleva (122), (141)

like - (want) preferisce (110), (162) (in this manner) cosŤ (85), (189)

liquids - liquidi (182)

listen - ascoltare (97)

little while - un istante (105)

local - locale (73)

loose - libero (92)

lower - abbassa (123)

mask - maschera (128)

medicine - medicina (47, 48), (49, 50, 51), (94), (102, 106), (175), (176)

metal - metallo (156)

moments - momenti (124), (164)

Mommy - mamma (186)

more - piú

mouth -bocca (88), (91), (156)

move - muovi 15 (112, 113, 114, 115, 120), (166), (167)

much - molto (how much) quanto

name - chiama (7), (13), (185)

names - nomi (49)

nausea - nausea (173)

needle - ago (107), (149)

nervous - nervoso (161)

never - mai (68)

nice - carino (191)

no - no

normal - normale (153)

now - ora (111), (136), (170), (190)

numb - insensibile (108) intontito (154)

numbers - numeri (83)

nurse - infermiere/a (10), (11)

O.K. - bene (187)

occur - capita (101)

old - anni (43)

only - solo (32)

open - apra (88), (126)

operating room - camera operatoria (111)

operation - operazione(46)

other - altri (2)

out - fuori (89)

over - (move over) passa (112, 113)

oxygen - ossigeno (128)

pain - dolore (169, 171, 172, 174, 175)

play - giochi (188)

please - per favore (21, 23, 24), (32)

point - segnala (46)

possible - possibsle (32)

pounds - libbre (76)

practice - pratica (18)

pregnancies - gravidanze (41)

pressure - pressione (55), (125)

probably - probablemente 2 (16)

problems - problemi (74)

proceed - procedere(194)

push - spingi (189)

put - metti (106), (168)

questions - domande (31, 32)

quickly - velocemente (151)

raise - alza (122), (141)

rare - raro (101)

read - legga (192)

relax - si rilassi (96), (121)

repeat - ripetere (23)

right - (correct) giusto (20) (direction) destra (143)

room -camera (111)

say - dica (15, 16, 19), (20)

see - vedere (134)

seizures - convulsioni (62)

sharp - pungente (157), (158, 159)

sharper - pi— pungente (159)

show - mostra (90)

side - lato (86), (143, 144)

sit - si sieda(142), 22 (180)

sleep - sonno (102), (110), (136), (190)

sleepier - pi— sonno (162)

sleepy - sonnolenza (106), (133, 135)

slowly - lentamente (21, 23)

smoke - fuma (52)

some - qualche (15), (31), (102)

sometimes - a volte (93), (101)

sore - dolore (104)

sorry - scusi (22)

Italian- italiano (1), (14, 15, 18, 19)

speak - parla (1, 2), (14, 18), (21)

spinal - spinale (72)

squeeze - apra (140)

start - inizio (133, 134)

stick - puntura (149)

stomach - stomaco (146)

surgery - chirurgia (103)

take - prendere (48), (54), (111), (125)

taking - prendendo(125)

tall - alto (77)

taste - sapore (156)

teeth - denti (90, 92, 93)

thank - grazie (25)

this - questo

throat - gola (65), (104)

thyroid - tiroide (61)

tight - stretto (124)

today - oggi (94)

toes - dita (167)

tongue - lingua (89)

transfusion - transfusione (67)

try - cercare (93)

tuberculosis - tuberculosi (58)

turn - gira (86)

uncover - scoprire (165)

uncross -scavalli (119)

understand - capire (16, 17), (22), (193)

very - molto

wake - svegliarsi (103, 104)

weigh - peso (75)

welcome - prego (26)

what - cosa

when - quando

where - dove (45, 46)

which - quale (159)

while - mentre (105)

wiggle - muova (167)

wish - desidera(110), (162)

with - con

words - parole (15)

worry - preoccuparsi (132)

worse - peggiore (180)

write - scrivere (76)

yes - si (32, 33)

you - lei

yesterday - ieri (37)