Woman 28 years, without antecedent of interest, that suffers traffic accident with the following injuries: 6 double ribs fractures with unestable thorax and haemoperitoneum for hepatic fisure, is practiced laparotomia. 48h. after, he presents acute respiratory insufficiency, with basal atelectasia right and important increase in the unestable thorax , without pulmonary lesion, he need intubación and mechanical ventilation, with FiO2 40% and PEEP of 5, for stabilization unestable thorax . Sedating with midazolam and Cl. mórfico. Without fever. APACHE to 1st day11. Present, at this time, the following nutritional data, in FASTING situation: Weight 56 kg Albumin 2,1 g/dl (3,2 - 5,5) Height 165 cm Transferrin 86 mg/dl (252 - 429) Ideal Weight 60,5 kg PreAlbumin <7 md/dl (17 -42) Harris-Benedict 1355 cal/día Colesterol 93 mg/dl (150 -220) Urine Nitrogen 15 gr/24h. Index Creatinina/Height 118% RESPONSES: ¿How many caloríes will you suggest? cálculation by?: Harris-Benedict x Factor or Calorias x Kg de peso or Segun Mi Protocolo or Segun mi experiencia or other calculation for calories: ¿ How many Nitrógen ? cálculation by ?: gr nitrogeno x kg peso or Segun Mi Protocolo or Segun mi Experiencia or other calculation for nitrógen: If Parenteral, what product will you suggest Type of carbohidratos: Glucosa FGX Type of grasas: LCT LCT/MCT Sin grasas Percentage CH/Grasas: 70/30 60/40 50/50 40/60 30/70 Type of aminoácidos: Estandar Ramificados Esenciales Fisher If Enteral, what product will you suggest Type of enteral product: Polimerica Concentrada Hiperproteica Inmunonutricion Oligomerica Especial estres Especial Renal Especial Diabetes Especial Pulmonar Especial Hepatica ¿Observations.. ?